Charles' Choice (Penny's Choice) Read online

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  “But you know it’s a trap,” Penny yelled back at him. “I can’t just let you go back in there because of my grandmother.” The loud argument between the Americans had gathered a lot of looks from neighboring tables. The waitress hanging out behind the bar seemed hesitant to go over to the table and take their orders.

  “Look, my job is to protect humans and other innocent creatures,” Charles said, standing up and pounding the table. “You grandmother is about as innocent as they come. Plus she was put in danger because of me.”

  “No,” Thomas said, “It was my fault. I didn’t stop the attack on Penny’s family.” He stood up from his chair and got his face right into Charles’s.

  “Stop it!” Penny screamed. “It doesn’t matter whose fault this whole mess is. Honestly, I am glad that everything has happened, even though tough.”

  Thomas and Charles sat back down in their chairs. They looked at each other before Thomas spoke up again. “We can’t just leave your grandmother there, Penny.”

  “Exactly, I’m glad you agree with me,” Charles said, crossing his arms.

  “Thomas, you can’t really want to send your brother in there!” Penny argued. “They’ll kill him.”

  “I agree, so Charles will go back, but…” Thomas replied, placing a hand on Penny’s, “only as a Trojan horse.”

  “You have a plan?” Penny asked. Of course he had a plan. Thomas always had a plan.

  “Yes,” Thomas said, a broad smile appearing on his face. “But it will require your girlfriend’s help.” Thomas looked at Charles.

  “She’s not my girlfriend,” Charles said with a huff.

  “Well, your baby mamma then,” Thomas said and laughed.

  At this point the argument had settled down enough for the waitress to appear at their table.

  “Funny,” Charles said, scowling. “There have been no babies.”

  “Can I get you anything?” The waitress asked in English.

  “Not yet, anyways,” Penny said harassing Charles with Thomas. It served him right for being so surly all the time. She looked down at her menu and ordered the most German sounding dish.

  “I’ll have the Schnitzel,” Charles said, not even looking down at his menu because he ordered Schnitzel at every restaurant. “And a side of those noodle things…”

  “Spaetzle,” Penny said, rolling her eyes. “Those noodle things are called Spaetzle.”

  Charles shrugged his shoulders and ordered a local beer to go with his meal.

  “Nothing for me,” Thomas said, smiling politely at the waitress. Penny knew that he was more interested in the waitress than the menu.

  “Really, could you be more obvious that you are a vampire?” Penny hissed at Thomas as the waitress walked away.

  “You are paranoid,” Thomas said, looking into Penny’s eyes. “Do you lust after every sandwich that you come across? Even if you just ate recently until you were stuffed?” Thomas wrapped his fingers around Penny’s seductively and she just melted.

  “Okay,” Charles said, breaking up the lovey dovey moment. “I am sure that Lorelei will help, but really, what is a water creature going to do against the Brotherhood?” Charles asked.

  “You’ll see,” Thomas said with a smirk on his face. “We’ll have to gather a few more allies if we want to make a direct assault on the Winchester Mystery House.”

  “Ha, Thomas, you are so funny,” Charles said. The Winchester Mystery House was the main base of the Brotherhood and was specifically designed to confuse and keep out vampires and other supernatural creatures. A direct assault on the house was a suicide mission.

  “Nope, I’m actually being serious for once in my life,” Thomas said, drawing on the table with his finger. “I’m tired of running aren’t you?”

  Yeah, but the Winchester?” Charles and Penny looked at each other, wondering if Thomas had finally lost his genius brain to insanity.

  “Look, if we have the right allies, we can do it,” Thomas said, scribbling some notes on a napkin. “If we band all the supernatural creatures together.”

  “You make that sound so easy,” Charles said, continuing to argue with his big brother.

  “Hey, that might not be so hard with you on are side,” Penny said, cutting Charles off. “You remember how Lorelei responded when she found out who you were.”

  “Exactly,” Thomas said, not looking up from his writing. “Plus, I have a killer plan.”

  “Are you going to tell us what that killer plan is?” Penny asked, taking a look at what Thomas was writing. Most of the words were unfamiliar to her. She assumed that they were names of races that she still hadn’t heard of yet.

  The Waitress returned with Charles’s Beer. “Are you sure you don’t even want something to drink?” she asked Thomas again.

  “Well, I suppose you could bring me whatever he is drinking,” Thomas replied pointing to Charles’s glass.

  The waitress left and returned quickly. Thomas was still quiet on what it was that he was planning.

  “So, what’s the plan?” Penny asked again.

  “I think that I am going to keep that to myself,” Thomas said as he pushed the glass of beer in Charles’s direction. To avoid suspicion, sometimes Thomas would order human food and give it to Penny or Charles. Penny was sure that she had gained at least ten pounds from the vampire leftovers. “In case if something goes wrong.”

  “In case if something goes wrong?” Penny repeated. “You mean in case Charles or I are kidnapped by the Brotherhood?”

  “Yes,” Thomas said, adding another foreign name to the napkin list.

  When the waitress brought their food out, the conversation ceased as Charles and Penny gobbled down their food. It had been over a day since they had been able to eat real food. The fish offered by Lorelei’s family wasn’t quite what either of them had considered edible.

  “So what part of the plan do we get to know,” Charles asked with a mouthful of German noodles.

  “You, Charles, get to know that you need to go back to the Nixen and have them pledge their support to you for a water assault on the Winchester,” Thomas said as he got money out of his wallet for the dinner. He kept looking up at the window. He tucked the napkin with the list of creatures into his pocket.

  “Honey,” Penny said, taking the last bite of her German pork and pickle roast, “The Winchester is in San Jose. No water anywhere around there.”

  “Just get them ready for a water attack,” Thomas said, quickly standing up. “We’re being watched, so I suggest we get out of here before we are attacked again. Penny and I will meet up with you, Charli, and Lorelei in Ireland.”

  “Where exactly?” Charles asked.

  “A castle, pick one. I’ll find you,” Thomas said, placing a large bill on the table. He and Penny went in one direction and Charles went in the other to find his sister and his mermaid girlfriend.

  (CHAPTER 5) Charles Finds a Girl

  Charles sat on the edge of the rock, catching his breath. “Boy,” he said, still breathing heavily, “you never really get used to that. I think we should find a new way to get me here.”

  “Are you planning on coming back often,” Lorelei said, batting her eyelashes.

  Charles looked up at the siren. He still wasn't sure what to make of her. She hadn't mentioned the whole sperm donation thing since they had left the city the first time.

  “Well, Lorelei, I like the place,” Charles said, regaining his breath. He was trying to play it cool. He couldn't let her know that he was interested. First of all, he didn't know if he was interested in her. He was kind of hoping for a human woman, but then again his life didn't really fit into the human mold.

  “I would think that a notorious flirt like you would enjoy the air kisses,” Lorelei said, lightly touching Charles arm.

  He pulled back and ran his finger through his hair. Of course he liked the air kisses, but what guy wouldn't? “Flirt?” Charles asked as he walked through the false rock wall.

, you heard me right,” Lorelei said as she walked through the wall. She then then spoke in German. Charles wished that Thomas was here to translate, but then again he would probably just end up making fun of him. Like always.

  “I haven't been flirting with you,” Charles said, coyly. He had been very careful not to flirt with the mermaid.

  “I wish you would,” she said, moving closer to Charles than he was comfortable with.

  “So what is this with everyone knowing who I am?” Charles said, suddenly changing the subject. Since Lorelei had pegged him as the Defector at their first meeting, he had wondered why he was the one that was a big deal.

  “The Brotherhood has been causing a raucous in the supernatural world looking for you,” Lorelei said, realizing that she was making Charles uncomfortable. “They have even given a reward for your return. Even us supers are able to turn you in.”

  Charles stopped and looked at her. There was a reward that even vampires, mermaids, and shapeshifters could take advantage of? “Lorelei...”

  “Oh, don't worry,” she replied, running her finger down his back. “You are a big hero to us. Trust me when I say that there is nothing or no one that the supernatural community hates more than the Brotherhood. For once, you've given us hope.”

  “I just wonder why me? I mean, all of this has been my brother's plan,” Charles said. He sat down on the trail to the city.

  “You were part of the Brotherhood; you left them,” Lorelei said. “You made a fool of them.”

  “I lost a lot,” he said, leaning back on his arms. “I just wish I could go back to being a kid before all this happened.”

  Lorelei traced her hand along Charles cheek. “But then you would not have met me.”

  “Look, Lorelei,” Charles said, sitting up. “You don't have to pretend to like me to get my...”

  “I know,” Lorelei said, pushing him back onto the rock. “I don't just want your sperm.”

  Charles pressed his back against the wall. Was he really going to let her make the first move? He put his hand on Lorelei's. “I was hoping you would say that,” he said as he moved his other hand to brush away a miraculously dry hair away from her face.

  The light from the underground cavern sparkled around Lorelei’s face, making her pale skin glow. Charles thought she was the most beautiful being that he had ever seen. He reached up again and traced the angles of her soft face. Her brilliant sea green eyes stared back at him with a depth that he didn’t quite understand. Her light brown had a natural sparkle in it that added to the glow of the cavern.

  Lorelei curled up on Charles’s legs, laying her head on his chest. “I really do admire you,” she said, tracing her fingers along Charles’s chest. “You have given much to help races of people other than your own. You’ve probably given up on hope of any relationship too. Since the only other human you know seems to be quite smitten by your vampiric brother.”

  “Yeah,” Charles said, pulling Lorelei close, “after Penny left me for my brother, I think that was it.”

  “Wait, you and Penny?” Lorelei said, pulling away.

  “Well, yes, but,” Charles said, trying to backtrack his last words. He thought that Lorelei had known about him and Penny. “There was. We had a small thing while we were both in the Brotherhood. Thomas’s clan had killed Penny’s family and he felt responsible for her. He asked me to keep an eye on her.”

  “So you stole Thomas’s girl?” Lorelei said, raising an eyebrow. “And then he stole her back?”

  “Well, Penny, hmmmm,” Charles said, trying to think about how to put Penny and his relationship. “She’s handful and pretty stubborn, so I don’t think that there was any steeling happening.”

  “So you guys split amicably?” Lorelei said, sitting back on the rock next to Charles.

  “I guess, Penny and I have always been close. But, I think our relationship should have always been family. I’d say other than Charli, she is my best friend. Honestly since we…broke up...we’ve been closer.”

  “Oh, I see,” Lorelei said, looking off in the distance. “So is that why she seems jealous of me and doesn’t seem to like me very much?”

  “You think she is jealous?” Charles asked. Charles never thought of Penny as the jealous type. She smart, level-headed, and snarky. Not at all the type of girl that seemed capable of jealousy.

  “I know jealousy,” Loreleie said, smiling. “Nixie come across jealousy a lot. We’re prettier than most human supermodels.”

  “That is true,” Charles said. He had yet to come across a Nixen that wasn’t outrageously good looking. He could even tell that the males were good looking. “But, she’ll get over it. Plus, she’s just being a sister. You know, trying to make sure that someone doesn’t take advantage of me. I guess.”

  “Oh, you mean like lure you into the ocean for your sperm?” Lorelei said, seriously. “She’s right to be a little leery of us. And you are right to be leery of a relationship between her and your brother.”

  “Really? Are you trying to scare me off?” Charles said, laughing. He leaned in closer to Lorelei.

  “Oh, never. I’m just trying to make myself seem like a bad girl,” she said bringing her face within inches of Charles. Charles was still slightly off putted by the Nixie’s green teeth, but he was getting used to them. “But, you should still know the nature of the Nixen, mein Lieblingsmann.”

  “Okay, I think I am okay with that,” Charles said, and stood up. “I think we should probably get going. I’ve had enough time to regain my breath and then some.”

  “Oh, come on, Nixie love to sun themselves on rocks,” Lorelei said, grabbing Charles’s hand.

  “But there is no sun,” Charles said, walking down the path.

  Lorelei shook her head. He was a hard one to break. “I guess you’re right,” she said, running to catch up with him. Her old fashioned skirt swished around her legs as she stopped in front of him. “But I am making you dinner tonight.”

  “Just as long as I’m not the main course, I’m okay with that,” Charles said, only half serious. “And it’s not that stuff Penny ate here.”

  “Oh, no, not the main course,” Lorelei said, laughing and skipping the rest of the way down the rocky path. “Just dessert.”

  Great, Charles thought, I’ve fallen in line with another jokester.

  “Hurry up slow poke,” Lorelei called after him.

  “I’m coming,” Charles said, as he caught up to her. The rest of the way to the city, the couple walked in silence. Toward the city, Lorelei placed her hand in Charles’s hands.

  “So, what’s this plan of yours?” Lorelei said as they walked through the gates of the city.

  “You mean Thomas’s plan?” Charles said, taking in the sights of the city again. He would never get tired of looking at this city and its exotic citizens. “He just said that he wanted me to make sure that you guys would lend you support to a water invasion, but there isn’t any water near San Jose.”

  “Of course there is water,” Lorelei said as they approached her house.

  “Not to be disagreeable, but I am pretty sure there are no bodies of water near the Winchester Mystery House.”

  “Bathtubs, birdbaths, fountains, glasses of ice water,” Lorelei replied. She opened up the door to her house and welcomed Charles inside. “We don’t need much more than a couple of drops to come through.”

  “Really?” Charles imagined Lorelei emerging from a glass of water that he was drinking.

  “Yup. As long as we know where the water is, we can sing our song,” Lorelei said as she sat down and emerged her body into the pool of water in the middle of her living room.

  “So if you have an inside man,” Charles said as he slid into the pool with the mermaid. He was getting used to all of the water everywhere. He hated it when he got a wrinkly after a while. Lorelei and the rest of the Nixen only seemed to get more silky and beautiful the longer they were in water.

  “Then we can put anyone within ear shot of the water in a
trance,” she said, finishing his sentence.

  “Wow, how come I didn’t know this before?”

  “It’s a closely guarded secret,” Lorelei said. “I am surprised that your brother knew about it. The Brotherhood has no idea either. It could be a big advantage in a fight.”

  “So, do you think that your people will help?” Charles asked as he watched Lorelei swish her tale around in her lounging pool. Charles hadn’t decided whether he thought the fish tale was a turn on or turn off. Maybe this was how Penny felt with Thomas. Did she have the same issue with Thomas’s fangs that he did with Lorelei’s green teeth?

  “Don’t you think that being in the water with so much clothing is annoying?” Lorelei said changing the subject.

  “Yeah, I’ve noticed that most of your people don’t wear much clothing,” Charles said, remembering all the beautiful nude mermaids perched around town.

  “Much clothing?” Lorelei asked, raising an eyebrow. She started to remove her clothing, starting with the skirt first. “It really weighs you down and sticks uncomfortably to your body.”

  Charles followed suit and removed his shirt. He was slightly uncomfortable removing all of his clothing, but she was right: the clothing was uncomfortable in the water.

  Lorelei moved closer to Charles and then removed her shirt. “Don’t worry, mein Lieglingsmann,” she said, putting a hand on his shoulder. I know that you human area little squeamish with nudity, so I will keep the bra on.” Her bra looked like a bikini top than underwear. Two pink cups were clasped together by a shiny stone.

  Charles shook his head; he was quite okay with the mermaid’s nudity. Maybe. God, Charles thought, Thomas must be rubbing off on me more than I thought.